Welcome. You’ve found your way here.

I don’t know about you, but I have been having intermittent existential crises throughout my twenties and thirties.

I have questioned my identity and purpose and asked myself, should I work for love or money? Should I follow my heart or my head? Should I live for the present or plan for the future? Should I save for a house deposit or say f*ck it and travel around the world?

During these formative decades, the pressure to make the “right” choices and create the best life for ourselves is immense. We compare ourselves and our everyday existence with the highlight reels of others, blindly unaware of how to navigate our personal and professional lives to find and pursue what we truly want. Until we hit burnout, have a mid-life crisis or quit our jobs to walk on hot coals, we’re left in the wilderness.

With few signposts, and a world of self-improvement for the over forties to guide us, we waver between moments of extreme confidence and debilitating diffidence - constantly flitting between lost and found.

I believe in cultivating self-awareness during a time when we have the power to set the direction for our lives, which is why I created Lost & Found to make self-discovery and personal development more relevant, accessible and engaging in our twenties and thirties.

The goal? A revived generation - mentored and nurtured - with no ambition, potential or vitality wasted in an increasingly demanding world.

How we can help

  • Sign up with your email address to receive a regular edit of relevant reflections, tools and resources to help bring direction to your journey.

    Sign up here.

  • I am a business leader, marketing consultant, trained coach, speaker and mentor. I work with select clients to help them realise their potential.

    Contact me to work together.

  • Tools, templates, articles, recommendations. Things to help you find your way.

    Check out my free journaling guide.

“Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong for another. The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit and has no road signs. It is a rocky path through the wilderness.”

Scott Peck